Software WordPress Templates

我们所有人都试图为我们的项目选择尽可能有效的设计, 这里是一个有很多选择的好地方. WordPress Software Themes are worked out with all your needs in mind and are perfectly tailored for all kind of online projects that deal with software. 你可以很容易地为软件、网页设计、网页开发公司等创建一个网站.


The company may produce various types of software (commercial off-the-shelf, customized, or SaaS). So business people need to think about the online presence of developments for their better promotion. The WordPress software themes represent a universal tool for constructing an online site in several clicks.

Define the target audience, 分析流量并选择最活跃的渠道来接触潜在客户. 预制样品负责网站的图形介绍. 让独特的设计吸引感兴趣的客户,突出产品的优势.

A proper configuration of modules arranges the information and makes navigation understandable to the visitors. Admin panel, contact forms, 与电子邮件平台的协作提高了消费者的互动和效率.

布局是完全可编辑的,有超过500个谷歌字体, awesome icons, 以及设计和UI元素的无限颜色.


受益的经济部门范围很广. 因此,IT程序的开发人员可以为每种情况发现表单. As, for example:

  1. IT技术和解决方案、人工智能、物联网、数据科学、网络安全.
  2. 供水、送货、运输、汽车服务、维修.
  3. 医学、教育、建筑、咨询、金融、慈善.
  4. 政府,政治机构,律师
  5. 创业、管理、企业、创意产业.
  6. Big data and machine learning.
  7. 搜索引擎优化,数字,营销机构.

The WordPress Theme software is valid for the majority of industries and submits plenty of ready-to-use solutions. 人们可以找到一堆样本,覆盖更广泛的消费者群体的需求. 但也有一些更具体的项目已经在特定领域完成.

Purchasing a listing, 产品负责人可能会专注于销售,而不太关注视觉呈现. 预先开发的设计需要最少的努力来推出一个完全成熟的网站.



  1. Multipurpose. Most of the WordPress template software is suitable for various businesses and startups in different industries. 购买一件商品,用户可以将其应用于多种商品.
  2. Drag and drop content. It cannot be easier than that. Site creators select required blocks and combine them to introduce their ware or apps in the best way. 只要找出哪些信息能更有效地推广产品.
  3. Sample content. 即使你没有时间生成文本, images, or videos, 使用软件主题WordPress团队预先制作的项目.
  4. SEO. Predeveloped layouts are optimized for search engines and make the web page visible for all the interested users. 它们的设置保证了在搜索结果中的相关定位.
  5. Parallax. A special scrolling technique forces the background images to move slower than foreground pictures and creates an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional website. 这个功能影响了整体外观,使其现代和创新.
  6. Google map. Mark your brand's location to tell customers and visitors about the country of origin of the software.
  7. Blog. 创建一个空间,与用户就最近的更新进行交流, 发布和讨论围绕软件WordPress主题的重要主题. 使参观者能够与产品团队和彼此互动.
  8. Admin panel. This management tool simplifies handling the web page enabling the owner to change text and visual content, 为公司成员提供访问权限, 并集成必要的附加组件和插件.

WordPress软件模板的价格从29美元到100美元不等, 取决于它们的高级功能. There are more than 120 designs for IT and software businesses that could be modified according to the requirements of any industry.


The advanced functionality and powerful designs will bring your project created on their basis on the new heights of visitors' interest. Open Source Software WordPress Themes will help you run a solid website that will certainly get highly positive feedback from your visitors and will turn them into your clients in no time.

感谢100%的响应, 这些网站布局在不同分辨率的显示器上呈现良好, so your viewers will get seamless browsing experience irrespective of the device they're using. Moreover, 多亏了它对seo非常友好, 我们所有的WordPress数据库软件主题在搜索引擎上排名很好.

Don't hesitate to obtain our premium Software WordPress Templates and build a high-quality website fast and easy!

如果你已经知道最合适 WP Themes to showcase your product, 请随意探索我们在以下类别中呈现的选择:
Software Company Themes.


  • wpml就绪-您可以创建一个多语言网站. 如果你想增加用户数量,这是一个重要的功能.
  • RTL -您可以使用从右到左的文本方向的语言.
  • Visual page builder compatibility - it is possible to customize the design using the drag and drop feature without modifying the code.
  • 页眉和页脚生成器-更改主题的顶部和底部部分.
  • seo友好-你的网站将很容易通过搜索引擎找到. It is important for eCommerce. 每个访问者都是潜在的客户.
  • 多种预先制作的风格-使用你喜欢的或创建一个个人的.
  • 流畅的动画-使您的网站看起来动态和先进的流畅动画.
  • Responsive - all the included elements look and work properly on devices with different screen sizes.
  • 视频-添加视频来展示您的想法或为人们提供重要信息.
  • MailChimp -一个理想的营销解决方案. 它有助于与你的客户沟通.
  • 电子商务兼容性-我们的一些主题自带WooCommerce. 它们可以成为网上商店的完美基础.
  • Retina-ready - all the visual elements look clean and sharp on displays with high pixel density.
  • Dropdown menu - create a good menu with the necessary features to allow visitors to access them fast.
  • Multiple customization options - you may modify menus, buttons, and logos to meet your requirements.
  • 谷歌地图,w3c有效的HTML5和CSS3代码,谷歌字体,自定义小部件,等等.


Templateog体育首页的产品是商业和非商业项目的理想选择. With our templates, 您可以创建一个有趣的博客,介绍用于各种任务的不同应用程序. You can also focus on other software development ideas and challenges or promote your application. 我们的设计非常适合电子商务. 您可以创建一个现代的、引人注目的在线商店来销售各种应用程序. Templateog体育首页's products are great for people who want to save time and avoid creating everything from scratch. 它们非常适合提供web开发服务的个人和公司. 我们的产品很适合没有多少经验的人. Templateog体育首页的设计带有详细的帮助文件. 专业人士喜欢优化和多功能性.

您可以构建优雅和复杂的站点. For example, you may include a few visual elements or develop a complex page structure with numerous buttons and animation.


Free vs. 高级软件WordPress主题


  • 免费赠品不附带专业支持. 你需要亲自解决所有的问题. 它需要编码知识和良好的WP平台理解.
  • 缺少必需的元素. 免费赠品可能不包括所需的组件. 它迫使您花费时间寻找必要的插件.

免费模板将是伟大的人谁想要学习如何修改和使用主题. 它们可能是小型个人项目的好选择. 如果你提供专业的网站开发服务,那么考虑购买一个高级项目. 它看起来令人印象深刻,并且已经包含了必要的元素, 所以你可以立即开始定制它. 优质产品为您提供无尽的定制选择.


制作一个适合移动设备的网站是至关重要的. 您不知道人们使用什么来访问您的页面. 有了响应式模板,你就不用担心这个问题了. 人们将永远拥有最好的用户体验. 所有包含的元素看起来都是正确的——所有的组件都留在了它们应该在的地方. 否则,人们会离开您的站点,并在其他地方搜索所需的内容.

响应式网站的排名也更高. 它有助于增加游客的数量.


Most of the web templates are designed with the WordPress demo content so that you can install it and start using it right away. But what if you’ve installed a template on your Wordpress website, but the homepage is still empty? 你想知道为什么它看起来不像一个演示? 观看这个视频,学习如何安装带有演示内容的WordPress主题. It is easier than you think. 只需花两分钟,您就可以轻松地为您的网站安装演示内容. 订阅我们的频道,如果有帮助的话分享我们的视频. 祝你的网站好运,用演示内容填充你的WordPress主题! Once you download and install a custom WordPress theme it looks like anything but a beautiful demo preview you saw on the theme shop. 如何获得默认设计和页面? Import Demo Content!

Software WordPress Themes FAQ


All WordPress themes 在Templateog体育首页的数字市场中,我们做出了响应.


As a rule, 上一代的WordPress主题包括内置的拖放构建器, 哪一个可以让你毫不费力地修改预先设计的布局.


Definitely yes! There's a number of drag-and-drop page builder that allow you to apply any sort of changes to your theme's layout in the intuitive visual mode. 例如,您可以尝试使用element和Power页面构建器.


WordPress主题的开发涉及到主题代码的创建, page layouts and so on.



  • 登录你的WordPress管理面板.
  • Navigate to Appearance > Editor
  • in the Stylesheet (style.css)文件更改主题名称:themeXXXXX到您的名字.


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